Monday, February 8, 2016

What Is Google?

Google is a search engine that started development in 1996 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page as a research project at Stanford University.  Google was originally known as BackRub but Larry and Sergey decided to change the name of their search engine to Google, which is inspired from the term googol.

Image credit - By Google (vectorisé par Madeck, originellement par Fugitron) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The domain was later registered on September 15th 1997 and incorporated on September 4th 1998.

The picture below is of how Google looked in 1998. 

As of August 10 2015, Google is an Alphabet company.
What makes Google stands out from it's competition as the number one search engine is it's PageRank technique that sorts search results.  While being one of the the best search engines on the Internet, Google also incorporate many other services such as; Google Maps and Google Local to provide more relevant search results.
What helps Google stand out from its competition and helps it continue to grow and be the number one search engine is its PageRank technique that sorts search results. While being one of the best search engines on the Internet, Google also incorporates many of its other services, such as Google Maps and Google Local, to provide more relevant search results.